Maybelline The Rockets VS The Falsies

Back in the Summer when the rocket was first released I was quick to snap it up & it soon became one of my all time fave mascaras.

Last month my rocket was coming to an end & instead of repurchasing I remembered I had heard a lot of great things about maybelline the falsies, so I decided to pick one up to make a comparison & see if I had been missing out all this time.
So here's a short run down of each mascara;

The Rocket has a very thick round plastic applicator covered in tiny plastic bristles & comes to a flat end. The Rocket gives me slight volume & instant length without having to put much work into it. The applicator really does the job for you, two layers & you achieve the perfect set of long clump free lashes. One down side to the mascara is that the applicator comes to a flat end, meaning it doesn't reach those little outer lashes.

The Falsies has a C shaped curved applicator, with long bristles surrounding & covering the tip of the applicator, the wand has a slight ridge in it making the applicator bend & glide with each application.
The curved applicator really hugs the lashes and gets to those little outer lashes, but it hugs my lashes so much so that they end up easily looking clumpy. I've worked out that the best way to apply this mascara is lots of very light thin coats, giving me nice volume & average length.

For me the falsies is a very time consuming mascara you really have to reapply & reapply in very thin layers to avoid clumpy lashes, I like the volume it gives but for me there's not enough length & it's too time consuming giving my lashes an effect I'm just not overly impressed with.

The rocket is a quick & easy mascara that gives instant effect, I love the length it gives my lashes. For me the rocket is the outstanding winner.

Have you tried either of these mascaras?

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  1. Oooo this is such a good post! Debating a new mascara, heard so many good things about The Rocket, will definitely be purchasing xx

    Charlotte| LongHairDontCare

    1. Ahh thanks sweetie. I highly highly suggest the rocket mascara is fab. xx

  2. I was wanting the falsies but now i like the look of the rocket

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    Carrieanne x

    1. I'd heard great things about the Falsies so I was a little disappointed by it. xx

  3. Great post! I haven't tried a Maybelline Mascara for years. Definitely agree The Rocket looks better on you!

    Stevie | Stevie Hearts Makeup

  4. Fantastic review/comparison! Have you tried layering them? Both of them look great on your lashes! Wowza! Thanks, Leslie

    1. Thank you :) Layering works well with the rocket but with the falsies is really clumps my lashes together. xx

  5. I'm really loving the Rocket right now! Such an amazing mascara! I feel like I'm not gonna try different mascaras for a really long time xx

    Justine | BRIGHTON DREAM

  6. the Rocket looks fab I need to try it! I do like the falsies, I also thought it was a bit time consuming building it up. I much prefer comb applicators like the one on the Rocket too x

    1. Glad it's not just me who thinks the falsies is to time consuming to apply, the rocket is so much quicker to apply & gives such amazing looking lashes. xx

  7. Interesting comparison - I absolutely love the falsies and am less keen on the rocket. I just find that the falsies give amazing volume and shape with very little effort and it works great for me :o). Xx

  8. the rocket looks great!
    I hate mascara's that take lots of build up
    they both suit you though sweetie :)

    1. Aww thanks lovely :) the falsies is such a hassle to apply & I much prefer the look the rocket gives my lashes. xx

  9. Oh I'm totally in love with rocket as well!! Its the best maybelline mascara ever!

  10. I'm such a massive fan of the Falsies mascara, I always apply my mascara in thin coats so that's probably why. I've not even tried the Rocket mascara yet, as I have soooooooo many in my stash but I definitely will! Your lashes are amazing babe, so long and curly... Not at all jealous hahah xxxx

    1. Aww haha thanks Gem :) I really did want to love the falsies but it just didn't work for my lashes. I can only imagine your stash, I bet it's amazing...not at all jealous :p xx

  11. I've never tried either of these but it seems I need to! Lovely blog, I just followed with bloglovin' aswell to show my support.

  12. Ooh good post thanks! I have the rocket and really like it as an every day mascara. Had been considering the Falsies due to lots of rave reviews but i'll maybe now stick with the Rocket

  13. I love falsies and have never tried rocket so i will next time i am in need of mascara

  14. Ahh I love The Falsies that little bit more - although it transferred like crazy on me! I liked The Rocket but had issues with the brush haha...totally agree with you though that flat bit on the end is naaat your friend when it comes to reaching the outer lashes :/

    Your lashes look lie pure awesomeness in both mascaras regardless ahhh <3
    Lovely blog girly, I'm now following :D xx

    Holly Mixtures

    1. If the rocket had a little rounded end it would be THE perfect mascara of all time for me.
      Aww thanks huni :) xx

  15. The rocket seems to give lovely length but i do love the falsies x

    1. Th rocket works amazingly for giving me length & that's what I tend to go for in a mascara. xx

  16. The Rocket looks amazing on you - like your lashes but amplified to the best possible version! Gorgeous! I've used both of these and found The Falsies to be good but clumpy, and The Rocket to be good but the only downside I found was it was really difficult to remove (reminded me of Benefit They're Real), even with waterproof eye makeup remover. Great comparison post and photos, Megan! :)

    1. Yeah I agree the falsies does tend to clump up my lashes too, the rocket all the way for me.
      Thank you huni pie :) xx

  17. Nice post! I have the Rocket and like it much :)

  18. They both look great! I really need to try some maybelline mascaras x

    1. Maybelline have to be my fave for drugstore mascara's, there defo worth a try. xx

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